Project Mental: A new update is here!

Yo! Our dear milf hunters! We've got some intellectual content for you —albeit possibly with a hint of retards of creator. Nonetheless, the new update is here <3

Check out our Patreon to get the last Update of Project Mental.

1: New event in Massage Salon (Mike)

2: Photo-mode (Highly inspired with Cyberpunk Photo-mode) If you loved current photo-mode we're going to extend with more functions also we can add it into all "LOVE" scene if all of you're interested in this.

3: Pose selector. Previously, pose selector was a piece of NOT AN ART...and just a piece of something... But now it's completely new system we also bring few motion capture anims in it (Later on, in this post I will cry MUCH more about motion capture suite btw) 4: Massive update of Emiko body system down below you can see few examples of it. That was a big piece of problem a few updates before because if change something it's going to affect everything! But since we start full rebuilding of animation and characters, it's fine and we made it.

4: Massive update of Emiko body system down below you can see few examples of it. That was a big piece of problem a few updates before because if change something it's going to affect everything! But since we start full rebuilding of animation and characters, it's fine and we made it.

More updates about development

Currently, we are on stage of replacing old content (characters and animations with new one) In 0.0.9 you're going to see result of this replacement basically updates was on hold for almost a month because we had to recreate too much stuff from scratch but result you will be surprised about this ;) REI will be the first character who will get Next-Gen (And damn I'm really proud to say this word in context on this character because the amount of details her body going to have now is mind-blowing.

Check out full post on Patreon

Much love! <3

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